I found my inspiration and the foundation of my work in the creations of Antonio de Torres; afterwards I tried as best as I could to go on solo, along a path I scouted as I made my way through it.
There was no such thing as a path already laid out, there was just the eagerness to keep going.
As Antonio Machado put it: “Wayfarer, there is no path: you make your own as you go”.

Cav. marco Sellitto

“At the age of three he was enthralled by the notes of classical music coming from a radio. Much later came the passion for the guitar but no instrument that he tried lived up to his expectations.
And this is how Marco Sellitto, a Neapolitan electroacoustic engineer with a degree from Houston University in Texas, and three more collected over the years, modifying at first and later on creating his own instruments, finally came to be an accomplished luthier.
As a luthier he has created real works of art using different wood species, each with their individual sounds, each of which is one of a kind, with a different name.
“La Dolorosa” is guitar number zero.
The Espresso newspaper, Naples edition – April 2016

His sensibility to sound allowed him to innovate by “interpreting” and analyzing all the structural elements, creating an instrument with an innovative design, thanks to which all his guitars bear the imprint of continuity with the classical tradition and, at the same time, of the innovations he brought about thanks to a tireless passion for sound and his know-how as an engineer in the field of acoustics.
A classical guitar is first of all a resonance box that, by vibrating, amplifies the sounds coming from each individual string: this is the driver that causes the instrument to vibrate through the bridge, and emerge thanks to the virtuosity of the guitarist. Thus the strings act as “acoustic impedance adapters” between the musician and the instrument.