The Phoenix

Year 2012: : “ The Phoenix”
Technical description: :
Soundboard: Book-cut Swiss SpruceBottom Deck and Body Sides: Italian Cypress
Tuning fork: 646
Project: 5-brace Torres
Soundboard (shape): my revisiting of Torres SE110
Pitch: 74 hz (corresponding to the 6th open string, downtuned to a D)
Maximum resonance frequency of box: 1290 Hzz
The Story of this Guitar
If compared to a modern or contemporary concert guitar this instrument has a very small soundbox (it is only 1090 cm2 against about 1340 cm2 for a traditional guitar, such as Tarrega’s Torres SE114). In terms of frequency response and acoustic power it reaches nonetheless the highest levels of performance of modern and contemporary guitars (with a soundbox tuned to a D (74hz) and an SPL of about 86,5 db at 1 meter and about 84db at 3 meters).
For my luthier experience this is a particularly meaningful instrument. It is the “living” demonstration that measures are irrelevant to the acoustic result, and how much instead its design and its implementation in the construction phase bear upon the final